Monday, June 21, 2010

Discover How Computers Will Help Children With Autism

Autistic children have a disability that results from abnormal development or communication skills, social skill deficits and reasoning. Many characteristics include lack of eye contract, repetition of words, phrases, tantrums, anger outbursts, inability to express verbally, insensitivity to pain, not formulating complete sentences, finding loud noises and bright lights to disrupt their routine. In addition, most do not like being cuddled or hugged.

Due to these facts, it has been determined that children with autism and young adults who have this disorder, find working on computers to be therapeutic and educational.

Teaching children with autism how to use a computer, may seem overwhelming or difficult. It is not difficult. These individuals enjoy the computer, for the fact, it gives them an opportunity to learn how to play games, see pictures, learn music, watch videos from newsworthy web sights, write short e-mail letters to their parents and friends. It takes some patience to teach them, but most are willing to learn and have the desire to want to understand how to use computers.

Computers help in assisting autistic children gain self-confidence, it draws them out their isolated environment, and it teaches them to follow instructions that open new challenges and opportunities for them to grow.

Purchasing a computer for an individual with autism, depends on their needs, desires and at what level the person is at, with their age and their disorder. One must take into consideration that the computer should have a large key board, with visible letters, numbers, lap top computers are usually an excellent choice. In addition, simplicity of the construction is a must, not complex looking that contains confusing accessories. Keep it simple, but fun looking.

It is wise to purchase some variations of software that contains games, that the child with autism would enjoy and understand. If they enjoy cartoons, history, music, reading, numbers, and sports, try the software on the computer and allow the child to become familiar with what shows on the computer screen.

As the individual with autism becomes more proficient with the computer, you can upgrade it to perform other tasks. In the future, you could even purchase a printer and show them how to print data, and use a digital camera and other accessories, that would make it more challenging for the person.

One of the advantages of using a computer for children with autism, is, it can help with replacing pen and paper, concentrate longer, better eye-hand coordination, show a desire to be more verbal, expressive, and communicate in a positive way. It can increase their interest and motivation, and teach them to be self-starters.

Be patient with the individual who has the disorder of autism, when teaching them how to use a computer. Make it fun, enjoyable, and it will benefit your child and you.

"Take action now, to discover how computers will help in assisting your child or young adult, who has autism, to learn and progress. Bonita Darula, encourages you to visit to download your e-book and bonus products and learn more about autism. Do not delay."

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