Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Aspergers: High Functioning End of the Autism Spectrum

Even though Aspergers Syndrome was defined in 1944 by an Austrian pediatrician named Hans Asperger, its diagnosis was not standardized until 1994. Before 1994, children with this syndrome were not diagnosed because Aspergers was not considered a disorder. Of course there are some reasons for this late classification. Aspergers is a disorder in the spectrum of autism.

Good news is it is at the highest functioning end of this spectrum. When there is good news, there should also be bad news which is, it is still a disorder. There is an extensive test for children showing specific symptoms along with their parents. Even after this extensive test, it is very hard to differentiate Aspergers Syndrome from a number of different disorders. Two of the most commonly misdiagnosed disorders are obsessive compulsive disorder and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Patients with these disorders may show symptoms very similar to Aspergers. Children with Aspergers syndrome usually grow up to be very successful students and meticulous professionals.

Did you know some people with Aspergers Syndrome call themselves "aspies" and the people without this syndrome "NT" or neurotypicals? This is one of the best indications that they can have a normal, independent and fulfilled life. The most important thing is that they can't understand their peers and what comes natural to other people is very hard to comprehend for them. Jokes, facial expressions and gestures of feelings are very strange for them.

For example when they see someone crying, they can smile to them to show their support and can be misunderstood as grinning. It is very hard for them to meet new people and make friends. Even though they feel really lonely and want to have friends, they can't get into close relationships with other people. This and their other incompatibilities push them to a very isolated life. This isolation sometimes makes them look arrogant. However this is never the case. In reality they want to be with people and understand them but they get confused once they start to blend into the crowd.

A supportive and understanding environment helps them have a happier childhood. When questions about their childhood are asked, a vast majority of adults with Aspergers Syndrome talk about really very unhappy childhoods. The most common concepts about their childhood are confusion and isolation. Both of these concepts are painful for children with Aspergers. The most important duty of the parents should be to let their children with Aspergers Syndrome have a happy childhood. They must be extremely patient, supportive and understanding.

Timely diagnosis is very essential for these reasons. Undiagnosed or wrong diagnosed people with Aspergers Syndrome may have a very successful career but they usually have a very unsuccessful social life. Divorce rate among the undiagnosed people is near 98%. Because when they are diagnosed they learn every aspect about their disorder and try to understand themselves and the people around them. Once they know there is something different about them, they start to live a more peaceful life.

Next, go to our Aspergers Syndrome and our Aspergers Symptoms section to know how you can deal with it, along with positive options to consider right now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Brenda_Shapplin

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