Monday, January 28, 2013

Understanding Autistic Behavior

Autism is a very complex and difficult to understand disorder. Patients suffering from its symptoms mainly suffer from the impossibility to communicate with others, express their own feelings or integrate other person's actions. The language they use is very limited but also very hard to interpret.
Children with the autistic disorder usually use the same word or phrase to express different situations. Some repeat sentences like "get in the car" as they associate it with going outside. Others say "milk and cookies" when referring to a pleasant object or a pleasant action".
A meaningless voice tonality is commonly used while speaking and the persons around the autistic have difficulties in understanding his desires. Their body language is hard to interpret as they not necessarily smile when they are happy or cry when upset. Facial expressions, moves and gestures rarely match to what they are trying to say. Most common their voice assembles the one of a robot, is flat, high-pitched or sings-song- like.
Without any understandable means of gestures or language to express their needs, autistics cannot let others know what they wish. Most often they simply scream or even directly grab what they need. In specialty literature useful information is found about possible brain connections autistic patients make in a special circumstance when they are forced to scream in order to make themselves heard.
Autism does not usually effect the physical estate of the child, these are most often healthy and with good muscle control and still make repetitive movements. Some of them even spend hours making the same action like flapping fingers or trying dance moves and then suddenly freeze in a particular position; their behavior is known by specialists as self-stimulation or stereotyped actions. Some actions are repeated over and over again like a child running through the room and turning the lights on and off repeatedly.
Autistic children tend to develop obsessions with specific objects that may be funny, embarrassing or dangerous for the persons around them. Changes in their routine and environment are very upsetting for them as they want to eat same foods at the same hours or find their objects in the exact same position. This repetitive obsessive behavior is believed to bring stability into their lives or help them deal better with particular stimuli or pains. Other explanation may be the one saying that patients try to stimulate the diminished senses with their behavior or on the other hand use the well developed sense.
For greater resources on Autism or especially about child autism please click this link
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