Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Healing Diets Alleviate Autism Symptoms

Your monthly autism support group is helpful. Sometimes, a mom sitting next to you is busy jotting down a shopping list. You notice some interesting items: coconut flour, rice noodles, gluten-free cereal and quite a few organic fruits and vegetables. Immediately you realize that this mom must follow a special autism diet for their child. You may wonder if these diets really do benefit children with autism.
You may have done little research on diet, as you have been very focused on behavioral therapy. What are the facts supporting autism diets? You may begin to wonder if your child can benefit.
Diet is an important part of intervention for autism. According to leading autism organizations, autism pediatricians, nutritionists and parents around the globe, autism diets provide measurable results in helping reduce children's symptoms of autism.
There are many diets that autism nutrition specialists, physicians and parents are applying with great results. They are the Gluten-Free Casein-Free (GFCF) Diet, Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS) Diet, Low Oxalate Diet, Body Ecology Diet, Feingold Diet and the Weston A. Price Diet-each with their own individual healing properties.
Autism diets are recommended and applied with the help of nutrition consultants based on a child's autism symptoms, food allergies and sensitivities, digestive capacity, family history, bio-individuality, and a number of other criteria.
According to parents polled by Autism Research Institute (ARI), after mercury/heavy metal chelation, autism diet is the most effective intervention for children on the autistic spectrum - more that any drug, nutrient or other biomedical therapy. One simple healing principle holds true today: thousands of children are finding relief from symptoms of autism as parents correctly and diligently apply autism diet. Autism is treatable and diet helps.
Parents and physicians consistently report improvement in the following symptoms: stimming, sleep, language, eye contact, attention, hyperactivity, learning, fatigue, aggression, self-injurious behavior, rashes, digestion, diarrhea, constipation and gas. While children experience symptom alleviation at different levels, the GFCF Diet, for example, shows a 65% improvement rating ("got better") as reported by thousands of parents in an Autism Research Institute (ARI) survey; Specific Carbohydrate Diet, while a smaller sample of hundreds, has shown a 66% improvement.
Every parent with a child on the autism spectrum that takes the time to do cursory research and read parent reports regarding autism diets finds that they have a very powerful healing tool right at their fingertips.
While it's important to consult a qualified autism nutrition and diet specialist, it's beneficial to take the time to understand and explore how food heals and how a particular diet may help your child. Since parents feed their child every day, the more you comprehend diet and nutrition, the more effective you can be. Visit autism diet websites and explore the leading autism diet books available. You are your child's most important health advocate.
On your next trip to the grocery store, take these first simple steps to implement a healing autism diet for your child. Purchase organic fruits and vegetables when possible; remove all artificial ingredients, colors and preservatives from food choices. Do not purchase pre-package foods such as canned or frozen chili, macaroni and cheese or taco seasoning. Serve only meat from grass-fed animals when possible. By choosing nutritional organic foods to prepare for your family, you remove harmful toxins, colors, additives, pesticides, PCBs, antibiotics and hormones from your child's dinner plate.
The first diet most parents, physicians and autism nutritionists recommend is the Gluten-Free Casein-Free Diet. Find out about the interesting facts behind this diet-it's helping many children on the spectrum. Enjoy the process-if a healing diet might help your child, why not try it? Connect with parents on autism diet Facebook and Yahoo! groups for success stories, resources, new ideas, recipes and diet implementation tips. Remember, the most important step to implementing autism diet-just start!
Julie Matthews, a top US biomedical autism diet/nutrition specialist and Defeat Autism Now! (DAN!) Practitioner, helps parents recover children from autism. She is a parent/physician educator and creator of Nourishing Hope for Autism Nutrition Intervention for Healing Our Children" (Book) and "Cooking to Heal Autism Nutrition and Cooking Classes" (DVD). Visit to study autism diets and view video presentations.
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