Saturday, August 6, 2011

How Yeast Overgrowth May Be Linked To Autism

Autism and an overgrowth of yeast? For some in the medical profession, it seems like a real stretch of logic. But for others, the evidence is all too clear.

For one thing, it appears that the incidence of autism is on the rise. Once barely heard of, now some reports claim that one in 155 children may suffer from this neurological disorder.

In a nutshell, the symptoms of autism include a lack of awareness of the feelings of others as well as a minimal -- or no -- social interaction. The most common description of autism is that these children are "within themselves." They seem to avoid receiving affection and love.

Many autistic children don't talk, are isolated and self-stimulating. Because they can't handle change very well, routines are extremely important to these children. However, these children can be taught self-care, social skills as well as language skills.

No one yet has been able to pinpoint an exact cause of autism. That means that no theory is really off- limits to some individuals. One popular notion is that this disorder is caused by something in the vaccinations being administered to babies and children. Others say the cause of autism is purely a genetic condition.

More recently, some studies are leading researchers to believe that yeast may play a vital role in causing this debilitating problem.

The question is: just how does yeast affect autism?

Interestingly enough, recent research demonstrates children with autism do have a different "gut flora" than other children. For the most part, the healthy or "good" bacteria are spread throughout an individual's digestive tract. This helps to keep the entire system operating smoothly.

The decrease in "good" bacteria allows for candida albicans to get a foot hold and out grow the good bacteria, allowing for an acid environment, this leads to extremely non oxygenated conditions (Anaerobic), yeast is able to survive and grow in greater numbers, this in-turn will increase negative bacteria and reduce the positive. To prevent negative yeasts colonies, there needs to be a more oxygenated environment.

There exist distinct circumstances when positive bacteria may be altered. As you'll recall, antibiotics can help destroy the natural balance of your flora. And this is exactly what is prescribed for children with ear infections.

It is not unusual for some young children to develop chronic ear infections. This means, of course, a series of antibiotic prescriptions. Here is the potential for an imbalance of bacteria to appear.

Mark W Thomas holds an Advanced Diploma in Naturopathy and Nutrition. I am interested in helping people to achieve health and well being through diet and lifestyle changes. Grab yourself a free e-course on how to eliminate candida go to Find out how to eliminate Candida without die off symptoms.

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