Sunday, January 8, 2012

How Autism Treatments Can Help Your Child Cope

Autism is a regressive mental disorder that affects children in their early years and in some cases, infants as well. While the symptoms can be varied and sometimes overlapping, identifying them early is crucial to ensuring that the child has a normal and healthy social life. Treatment can begin as early as when they are infants but the most effective ones happen at an age range of 3 - 5. Understanding how autism affects the child is a good way to tailor make treatments and therapy for them. Autism is a brain disorder, and it affects many parts of the brains and this can be associated with speech, psycho motor functions, attentiveness, mental focus and the ability to communicate thoughts.

Doctors believe that autism is a genetic disease, while others also point the finger of blame to substance abuse within pregnant mothers as well as allergic reactions to certain forms of vaccinations. While still vague, there are still many grey areas for autism and at the time of this article, there is no known cure for the disease as yet. However, the good news is that many autistic children who have undergone treatment have been able to not only survive in society but succeed in it as well. Many argue that there is no effective treatment for autism, just because the prognosis of it all is that there is no distinct cure that can be used.

What we have are methods of management of the disorder, which means that there a great many methods that can be used to control and rigorously instill habits within autistic children so that they can improve their basic communication skills as well as stop symptoms like repetitive disorders. The whole point of these management techniques is to lessen the deficits within the child and reduce the amount of family stress, which is the more important things.

The environment where an autistic child resides in also decides the regressiveness or the progressiveness of his condition; the happier the home, the more likely that they will break the autistic cycle and live a normal life. Intervention at the age of two and three are very important and some of the methods include structured teaching, a form of instruction that is built around their behaviours, instilling knowledge as well as discipline in a structured form - using visual materials, organising the physical environment, schedules and work systems, all to instill normal routine.

Another method of therapy that can be used is speech and language therapy, meaning that cognition, voice tone, enunciation, communication are all developed. In autism, children have regressive development of speech and this they need to be schooled in nuances of speech like phonology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics - all in the effort to improve their communication skills and have them lead normal lives and react aptly to social situations. Such pathology will help to reduce the symptoms and improve the overall behaviours of autistic children. With these excellent methods of autism treatments to help your child and more, you will be giving them a normal life in time.

MindMatters Psychology Practice provides child development support services for children and young adults. They also provide an Autism Test [] for children.

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