Friday, May 14, 2010

Autism Treatment - Secretory IgA, Immune Function and the Mucosal Barrier

When looking at a comprehensive digestive stool analysis, there is a marker called an SIGA marker or secretory IgA. On a Great Plains Lab it will be the bottom marker on page 2 generally. In many children secretory IgA comes up low and is indicative of the status of the mucosal immune system. Secretory IgA is a secreted form of an antibody called IgA which is produced in the blood. Once IgA is produced it is taken into the gut and then secreted out across the mucosal lining into our digestive tract. It provides that first line immune defense in the mucosal immune barrier

Low SIGA can indicate an overall deficiency of this immune chemical in the gut. However, just looking at a one time SIGA marker on a stool test can be tricky because there can be many factors that contribute to a low level. But a child with many food sensitivities and issues with yeast and bacteria overgrowth does tend to run low on secretory IgA.

We often think that our digestive system is separate from the rest of our body but in reality it is a tube that runs right through the center of our body. The lining of the mucosal barrier is encased in this secretory IgA chemical to help protect it from pathogens like viruses, bacteria and yeast as well as a control mechanism for the rest of our immune system. The mucosal barrier makes up, in addition to the surface lining of the digestive tract, our mouth, throat, and intestines all the way to our rectum. And is also secreted in our nasal cavity, eyes, upper areas of the lungs, the urethra of men and women as well as women's vaginas. The external areas are bathed in secretory IgA.

Several things can help raise SIGA. Colostrom is the premilk produced in the early stages of breastfeeding that contains immunoglobulins. Colostrum has many antibodies and can stimulate secretory IgA levels to rise. Probiotics also help raise the levels. Probiotics are the good, healthy bacteria that we need in our gut like acidophilus and bifidobacter. Cayenne can also help stimulate secretory IgA levels over time, although it can be hard for children to take. If you child can swallow capsules then you can try the capsule form, 2 to 3 capsules per day can help raise secretory IgA levels. Saccharomyces boulardii can also help raise its levels. What saccharomyces boulardii provides is a healthy yeast in the form of a probiotic that can also help fight off pathogenic yeasts in addition to help to stimulate secretory IgA levels. So now you understand more about what a secretory IgA marker means on a stool test. This is one of the first lines of immune defense in the gut and it is the mucosal barrier and a key to the status of immune health.

Autism really is treatable! Biomedical Autism treatments and therapies have resulted in many, many children improving, or even even losing their autism-spectrum disorder diagnosis. For lots more free biomedical autism intervention information and videos from Dr. Woeller, go to

Dr. Kurt Woeller is an biomedical autism Intervention specialist, with a private practice in Southern California for over 10 years. He has helped children recover from autism, ADD, ADHD, and other disorders, and has the information you need to help your child. Download his free eBook at

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