Pregnancy is one of the most overwhelming feeling for the parents
expecting a child. It is during this phase that all the hopes and
dreams of the parents are woven together for their little bundle of joy
and their life seems well crafted during this time. Now that mentioning
the dreamy and fairy tale part is over let me put some light to the
aspect that deals with the complications. Well, not that pregnancy is
all about complications but there are unfortunately few instances when
cases get a tad little complicated, blame it on the gradual change in
lifestyles with late marriages and even late family planning that
complicates situations all the more. But once you seal the decision of
having a baby and the plan is under progress it is important for women
during this time to take some necessary precautions.
Pregnancy and the necessary precautions during that time
It is during the time of pregnancy that women must choose to stay extra cautious to take care of the baby, that is of course a given fact. This obviously comes as no breaking news that autism is on the rise and this news is enough for expecting mothers to take all the necessary precautions to keep that ill-fated neurological disorder away from your expecting child's life so that they can have a beautiful future. There are several factors bit we'll focus on two of the most critical and powerful ones because of which pregnant women might end up giving birth to an autistic child. To save them from doing so, this article attempts to highlight those major points. Take a look:
Pregnancy and the necessary precautions during that time
It is during the time of pregnancy that women must choose to stay extra cautious to take care of the baby, that is of course a given fact. This obviously comes as no breaking news that autism is on the rise and this news is enough for expecting mothers to take all the necessary precautions to keep that ill-fated neurological disorder away from your expecting child's life so that they can have a beautiful future. There are several factors bit we'll focus on two of the most critical and powerful ones because of which pregnant women might end up giving birth to an autistic child. To save them from doing so, this article attempts to highlight those major points. Take a look:
- Epigenetic - A lot of recent medical research has proved that epigenetic is responsible if a new-born baby is down with autism, the latest one vouching for this is the study conducted in Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Interested in knowing how it works? Epigenetic control of genes allow same cells clubbed together to grow in the womb and often is the reason for the child being born as autistic. Yes, the process is extremely delicate and as a would-be mother it is important that she must make sure to keep this cause as far away as possible. Epigenetic does not necessarily imply that it will appear during birth or early childhood days, there are certain cases that it shows up during the later years. Consulting your doctor at regular intervals is a must to keep this at bay.
- Air pollution - Air pollution is also one of the major factors that increases chances that a pregnant woman might give birth to a child with autism problems. The air that an expecting mother is breathing demands purity and free from any kind of pollution because the baby is growing in the womb everyday and the baby's exposure to air pollution during their developing years is not a good sign. So it is time that people are extra cautious about these things because neglecting them now often impacts later with autism and if that disorder strikes it stays life long. You sure would not want that for your baby, so do what it takes to keep autism afar from your child.
Allen Wood focus on two of the most critical and powerful ones because of which pregnant women might end up giving birth to an autistic child.
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