Thursday, February 10, 2011

Autism: The Diet

The main GOALS in effective treatment of Autism CAN BE REACHED with the right diet and nutritional supplements. Improving intestinal health and overall nutrition are as important as balancing the nervous system in order to improve language, learning and focus, attention span, eye contact, social interaction and reduce sleep difficulties as well as to decrease the body's physical manifestations of stress via skin rashes/eczema and body pain.

Doctors now know that the body of the child with autism requires very specific care. This is done by offering:

special enzymes for digestion,

treatments for yeast infections,

attention to digestive issues,and

nutrient and fatty acid supplementation.

Numerous studies have reported that diet and supplemental nutrients may provide moderate benefits to autism patients, including higher scholastic test scores and earlier neurological development. Since every child is unique, results will vary. While there are several diets out there, the Autism Research Institute (ARI) found improvement in:

65% of those applying Gluten-Free Casein-Free (GFCF) Diet, and

66 % of those applying Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD).

These typically fall into the acidic food category. Research has found that the body is doomed for disease in an acidic environment. Broadly acidic foods include meat/fish, dairy and sugars (as in sodas as well) and alkaline foods include fruits and vegetables. To regain health (currently suffering from disease) a ratio of 90% alkaline and 10% acidic food choices has been recommended. The test for acidic/alkaline environment(pH) in the body can be easily performed with litmus paper purchased in a drugstore. It has to mandatorily read above pH7.Therefore, the first step by parents of autistic kids should include:

removal of gluten, which is the protein found in wheat, rye, barley, commercial oats, kamut, and spelt

removal of casein, which is the protein found in dairy,

decrease the amount of sugar they feed their children,

the guidance of a qualified nutrition profession is always recommended

Successful parents begin with simple steps. They serve a diet comprising:

fresh fruits, vegetables but avoid food that naturally contains salicylates (such as almonds, oranges, raspberries, apples, cherries, grapes, peaches, strawberries, cucumbers, plums, and tomatoes),

grass-fed meats whenever possible,

organic foods to remove antibiotics, hormones and pesticides,

no pre-packaged, canned or frozen foods,

no foods that contain preservative, monosodium glutamate and additives like food colors and artificial ingredients,and

a big moderation in sugar intake.

They add nutritional supplements that include:

omega-3 fatty acids,

higher levels of minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium and chromium,

nutrient supplements of Vitamin-B6 and Vitamin-C, Folic Acid, Niacin, and dimethylglycine, and

Methyl B12 injections or nasal spray.

Finally, they never forget water and exercise, because these are very essential to the living cell for it hydration and oxygen "nutrient" supplies. The secret to success as in anything is to start and persevere and be consistent because children thrive on consistency.

More information is available at my website:

Caroline Konnoth is a Physical Therapist and Owner of Healing Dynamics Corp. Caroline offers a combination of craniosacral,visceral manipulation and lymph drainage therapies and specializes in pediatrics. Healing Dynamics is a holistic integrative approach, that is a synthesis of several anatomically directed forms of energy healing techniques, resulting in complete physical and emotional balance and harmony.

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