Saturday, July 23, 2011

School To Work - How To Ensure Smooth Transition For Autistic Children

Whether the autistic child has just graduated from high school or passed out from college, learning practical and proven ways to deal with life outside a secure and disciplined environment that is mainly academic, is very essential to helping them adjust to the demands of a competitive environment, such as a work culture demands.

Many autistic children are financially dependent to a certain extent, if not fully reliant, on sustenance from their parents, much like regular kids are, but the situation is more complicated for autistic children as opposed to normal kids who are better able to fend for themselves since they do have have the mental and physical limitations of autism disorder preventing them from adjusting to a new life and coping with work demands -even when both sets of kids may be initially scared of the change.

Their time to live among peer groups in a controlled environment is over and instead of facing known situations every day as in a school routine, autistic children venturing into the professional world have to deal with new, hitherto unknown sets of living situations while applying themselves to a career, which can be intimidating for them, without help from a support group or parental guidance.

Learning ways to deal with people in a business environment and distinct differences existing in behavioral modes in school and work culture is very important for autistic children as proper grooming, hygiene and knowledge of work-place behavior constitute their elements for succeeding in a difficult, complex and rapidly advancing work culture. These are children that have needed assistance in brushing teeth and combing their hair or other such regular things normal children dismiss as being routine, but which are hard work for autistic children and thus, caregivers need to be sensitive and make autistic children aware of these expectations their work-place will have from them besides teaching them appropriate behavior in the work environment.

Autistic children who have had proper schooling are usually at a learning level of being able to control outbursts of the emotional kind they may have been prone to in earlier stages and are capable of following instructions and doing highly skilled tasks, besides some showing a marked distinction at music or math.

The main area of negotiation that autistic children need to be guided about is dealing with relationship problems as they are simple by nature and presume others to be good, like them, which unfortunately, is not always true of all people in this changing world; thus, they get taken advantage of and suffer due to the dubious ethics of others. So, it is important for caregivers of autistic children leaving a school environment for a work one to inculcate in them realistic, worldly teachings and make them survivors in a competitive work place for their own good besides having a potential employer clue in other workers about the child's condition so as to enable a healthy work-place relationship among colleagues who may need to be educated about what comes with the disorder and how to treat an autistic individual right.

Preparing the autistic child about ignorance and intolerance that may come his or her way at the workplace due to personal factors or even lack of awareness about their condition is very necessary to prevent disappointment and emotional issues later. Going in for counselling, speaking to other supportive family members or seeking advice from a caring guide can help boost an autistic child's confidence in approaching work life after school life and make the change a happy and healthy one.

Abhishek has got some great Autism Treatment Secrets up his sleeves! Download his FREE 41 Page Ebook, "Understanding And Treating Autism" from his website Only limited Free Copies available.

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