Monday, October 10, 2011

Autism Treatment - Using Probiotics in Autism Treatment

I want to discuss the different types of probiotics and what are considered general probiotics and those that are considered treatment specific probiotics. The options on the market for probiotics are many and varied. Three major examples of all around, multi-floral probiotic products are Probiotic Support Formula from New Beginnings, Therbiotic Complete from Klaire Labs and Multi-Flora Spectrum from Kirkman labs. There are certainly other forms but these are three very good, multi-floral probiotics that have a number of good bacteria in them. And a good way to understand the benefits of these probiotics is to view them as a multi-vitamin for the overall health of your digestive tract. Probiotic Support Formula, Therbiotic Complete and Multi-Flora Spectrum are all very helpful for the overall health of the digestive system.

Next we can discuss what I call the treatment specific probiotic options. Treatment specific probiotics are used to treat a specific disorder or issue within the body. Culturelle is one example of this. What Culturelle is, is a specific type of probiotic called acidophilus GG and it can be very effective at targeting and going after clostridia bacteria. Quite a few people use Three Lac as a treatment for yeast since it is particularly helpful for that. So of course, you wouldn't use Three Lac long term as an all around, immune and digestive support aid. You would use Three Lac with the intent to help control yeast overgrowth. VSL #3 is another example of a treatment specific probiotic. It is a very potent probiotic that has been used successfully to break down oxalates. And while it does have some effectiveness against clostridia as well, for the most part it is used to help combat high oxalate levels. A fourth treatment specific probiotic is called Saccharomyces Boulardii which is a type of yeast that will attack another form of yeast called candida. So Saccharomyces Boulardii is used specifically as part of an anti-fungal approach because of this tendency to help control candida. It can also be very effective when used while you are taking antibiotics, it can prevent a yeast overgrowth from starting. Saccharomyces Boulardii also does have some effectiveness at fighting clostridia as well.

So as you can see, there are many probiotics out there and this was to serve as just a highlight. As a recap there are multi-floral probiotics which serve to enhance the immune system and to enhance the digestive system and then there are probiotics that are treatment specific that I outlined above.

Autism really is treatable! Biomedical Autism treatments and therapies have resulted in many, many children improving, or even even losing their autism-spectrum disorder diagnosis. For lots more free biomedical autism intervention information and videos from Dr. Woeller, go to

Dr. Kurt Woeller is an biomedical autism Intervention specialist, with a private practice in Southern California for over 10 years. He has helped children recover from autism, ADD, ADHD, and other disorders, and has the information you need to help your child. Download his free eBook at

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