Friday, May 14, 2010

Autism Treatment - The Link Between Cholesterol and Oxytocin

In previous videos I have discussed oxytocin. This warrants further discussion because of the mounting research showing that for many individuals with Autism, a lack of oxytocin plays a significant role in their ability to socialize. A lack of oxytocin not only increases their level of anxiety but a lack of oxytocin also has been shown to impact a person's ability to recognize emotional cues like facial and voice changes.

Low oxytocin has a big impact on their ability to recognize the difference between a sad voice or a happy voice or to understand when someone is being inquisitive. The same is true with their facial expressions, oxytocin impacts whether they can recognize the difference between when someone is frowning versus when they are smiling. Oxytocin plays a large role in activating various parts of the brain that are key in the manifestation of these abilities.

An important thing to understand is that cholesterol levels and oxytocin are linked and that there are a number of individuals, particularly children in the spectrum who have low, often very low, levels of cholesterol. In my practice, the lowest cholesterol number I have seen is 65 which is very, very low. Total cholesterol levels are very easy to obtain for your child, any lab or hospital clinic can perform this test on your child. The important link between cholesterol and oxytocin is that cholesterol is an activating chemical for the oxytocin receptors in the brain.

So if your child lacks adequate cholesterol, those oxytocin receptors will not become activated properly. The receptors in the brain work like a lock and key, the brain is activated and nerve impulses are generated in the brain by receptors that interact with neurochemicals. When a chemical attaches to a receptor, it acts like a key in the lock of the correct door. Once that door is open, chemical information floods is throughout the brain. So that oxytocin receptor requires enough cholesterol to activate that receptor so that it works properly.

So we see how just how much oxytocin impacts issues with social interaction. Facial and voice cue recognition is impacted as well as anxiety and social bonding. And cholesterol levels are quite important in regards to oxytocin receptors functioning optimally. Your child can have a simple blood test performed to tell you where their levels are, and ideally they should be between 170 and 180. So this is a very simple thing to check so discuss this with your child's doctor.

Autism really is treatable! Biomedical Autism treatments and therapies have resulted in many, many children improving, or even even losing their autism-spectrum disorder diagnosis. For lots more free biomedical autism intervention information and videos from Dr. Woeller, go to

Dr. Kurt Woeller is an biomedical autism Intervention specialist, with a private practice in Southern California for over 10 years. He has helped children recover from autism, ADD, ADHD, and other disorders, and has the information you need to help your child. Download his free ebook at

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