Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Autism Behavior - What Are Replacement Behaviors?

Replacement behaviors are one of the techniques used with children with Autism. This technique is very successful for parents who successfully use it.

Replacement behavior is a tool that parents deliberately teach their children. This tool is called a replacement because you are trying to exchange it for an unwanted behavior.

One of the many things that parents of children with Autism have learned is how to extinguish or get rid of a behavior. Unfortunately, during this process all children tend to substitute another behavior. As parents of children with autism know sometimes the behavior their child substitutes is worse than the original behavior.

Children with disabilities have their own talents and coming up with a behavior that adults consider worse seems to be one of them. Since we, as the adults, are smarter than they are we can do something about this pattern.

Many parents have learned to substitute what is called a relaxation behavior for the unwanted behavior. Counting to ten if you child can or will count or even deep breathing are two relaxation behaviors.

Other parents use physical activity as a replacement behavior. This can be ideal for some children as it expends excess energy and makes them sleep better. That is true whether your child has a disability or not.

An important consideration in teaching replacement behavior is for all the adults who support the child with Autism to use the same behavior. Because some children with Autism have different levels of understanding, it may even be necessary for parents and other adults to agree on the language they will use when substituting the chosen replacement behavior for the unwanted behavior.

Substituting physical activity for an unwanted behavior also gives parents other perks. One of these is reducing the child with Autism's frustration. Just the opportunity to be up and moving around seems to help with the frustration. It also gives the parent the opportunity to be up and moving around too.

Another perk is moving around seem to give the child a chance to think of words to use instead of behaviors. A parent may have to prompt their child to do this but it does happen. Similarly relaxation behaviors can give the child time to think of words.

A final perk is a little more selfish for the parent. Relaxation and physical activity can give the parent time. Time to review what was happening and come up with a different plan.

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Mylinda Elliott is the parent of five children. The third of the five has Autism which was diagnosed early on. The fourth of the five children has Aspergers. She is a self taught expert on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Mylinda Elliott has also worked professionally in the disability world for the past fifteen years. She is considered the "Go To" woman for advice or resources on disabilities.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mylinda_Elliott

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